School Information



Introduction of TWGHs

TWGHs Social Welfare Services

The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals is the oldest and largest charitable organization in Hong Kong, providing a wide range of services including health, education and social welfare, distributed around Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories.  The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals have developed early childhood services since 1968.  It has 15 kindergartens for registered non-profit-making kindergartens and child care centres.  It provides long whole day care and education services for children under the age of six as well as the integrated programme.  The curriculum focuses on the child's needs according to their age of development, cultural and individual characteristics to build their strong foundation, a healthy body and mind in a pleasant environment, with a good learning attitude and daily habits.

Our Mission and Vision

  • Provide long-term care and education services for infants and children between zero and six, letting parents to go to work and improve the living standards.
  • Focus on early stimulation and education to inspire children’s physical, intellectual, language, emotions, creativity and social competence within secure and appropriate environment.
  • Cultivate children's good habits and self-care abilities.
  • Focus on collaboration with parents and nannies to help recognizing the characteristics of children, so as to enhance family parenting.


The Day Crèche section consists of three activity rooms, a children’s washroom, a milk room, etc.  For Day Nursery section, there are two activity rooms, with learning corners regularly altered to provide children diverse experiences to enhance their learning interest and potential, for example: sensory learning corner, Montessori corner, Practical Life Training corner, imaginative play corner, Art corner, emotion and book corner, etc.  Other common facilities include music room, gross motor play room, children's toilet, kitchen, principal's room and staff room.  Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Children's Development Resource Centre is adjacent to provide supportive facilities.

Our Team

The school principal and early childhood practitioners have all completed recognized training on early childhood education by the Education Bureau and have rich work experiences.  In addition, staff members ongoing participate in in-service training organized by the Education Bureau and TWGHs, to keep updating and enhancing their professional capacities to cater for students of diverse needs.

Teachers are encouraged to establish relationships with children with a friendly and positive teaching attitude to support children’s active exploration and learning in a safe and appropriate environment, to cultivate good living habits and self-care ability, to achieve whole-person development.


Child Care Theme Song


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